Archive | August, 2013


31 Aug

Potatoes here! I am replacing Erik for two posts because he asked me to. Unfortunately, Erik and I are two very different people and so most this post will be a bit different.

See, while Erik leads a crazy life of watching bad movies, writing full length novels and commenting on porn at every given moment, I live a somewhat normal life. (Comparatively.) I work, I watch new movies that I find interesting and are generally mainstream and I actually sleep at night!

So, let me tell you a few things about Erik that you may not know!

1st. Erik is gigantic. Erik dwarfs Michael Jordan, he has to wear a blinking light on his hat late at night for low flying air-planes. I am 6,2 and my neck hurts after seeing Erik because I have to look up all the time. He is a fucking Goliath.

2nd. Most people enjoy watching good movies, reading good books, or playing a fun videogame. But Erik is the opposite. He enjoys watching terrible films, reading abysmal writing, and playing impossible games that frustrate people to insanity. He ENJOYS that.

3rd. Erik is strange (no, really?). He likes strange foods, has strange habits, strange family, and hangs out with strange friends (me!).

4th. Erik is a geek. Erik recently graduated with a P.H.D. in geek with full honours. He can name obscure game and references and is a geek in many ways, movies, tv shows, video games, card games, and roll-playing games.

5th. Erik has never been so dedicated in his to any one thing expect for this blog. I’ve never known Erik to get into anything. He doesn’t get obsessed with anything and generally seems disinterested. And that is why is astounds me that he can write upwards of 2 to 3 pages. Everyday for 2 years! He amazes me that he can write so much a day and all the way through just as unique as when it started.

And that concludes Potatoes’ first post on A Very Strange Place!

(No, seriously, he is a fucking giant.)

The Summer Slump

30 Aug

You know, I hate summer. It’s the one time of the year when you people have better things to do than read my stuff!


But… what? Could it be? Is the summer slump finally over? 

“SEARCH ENGINE VIEWS: Strange place to insert your cock.”


Top 10 Horror Movie Trailers, Part Four

29 Aug

One day, somebody’s gonna have to explain the difference between a horror trailer, and a trailer with horror in it. I assume it has nothing to do with a whore-or trailer!

(Or, if you’re a Harry Potter fan, an Auror trailer.)

Don’t ask. Anyway, here are my next 10 favourite horror movie trailers.


Number 10: Hollow

Wow, really? A haunted tree?! Horror movies have officially stopped caring.

“Oh god, run! That tree is possessed by the DEVIL!”

“AHHHH! Does that mean it will follow us?”

“No, not really.”



Number 9: Chimeres

Is… is that a French art film?


Number 8: 616: Paranormal Incident 

Oh great, a Paranormal Activity rip-off, that dresses up like a Grave Encounters rip-off, plays like an Asylum Tapes rip-off, acts like a 1313 rip-off, and with the fake boobs of every horror movie ever.

Oh, and it’s made by The Asylum.

Jesus fucking christ, it’s like a triple word score of “oh god no”.


So wait, I’m confused. Is this movie trying to say that social networking is what spreads the zombie virus?

That makes way too much sense.

Number 6: Dark Feed

I- just- what?!

But- I don’t-

I will pay five dollars, no questions, to the man who never explains this trailer to me.

Number 5: The Frankenstein Theory

I would love to be a fly on the wall for this pitch meeting.

“So, here’s my idea for a new found footage movie: Frankenstein’s monster is roaming the frozen tundra, and a team of scientists and-”

“Get the fuck out.”

Number 4: Osombie

This is, by far, the dumbest, most insulting, most wretched scum I’ve ever seen! It’s horrible! Deplorable! Nightmarish! Everybody involved should stick their balls in a microwave, just so we don’t have to worry about their genetic material infecting the gene pool!


Number 3: Tasmanian Devils

Uh oh, a Syfy original movie? So, how long before the giant evil Tasmanian Devils get sucked in a tornado and dropped on California?

Actually, wow, that sounds amazing. “Tasmanianados!”. Tagline: “This time… it’s preposterous”.

Nah, I’m just kidding! This looks more like the gritty The Killer Shrews remake the world was APPARENTLY asking for! Either that, or Weasels Rip My Flesh finally got a budget.

Wow, there are a lot of evil rodent movies, aren’t there?

Number 2: Frankenstein’s Army

What’s that? Soviet Russians sneak in to Nazi Germany, only to find a factory full of monstrosities, carved together from human flesh and forced to fight for the glory of the Third Reich?

Holy hell, that summary was so fucking awesome, I think I need a cigarette now.

I swear, this is all I want from a horror movie! What else is a horror movie supposed to be?!

Number 1: Shadow People

Oh, right! I forgot that horror movies are supposed to be scary! 

Well now I just feel silly.

Dear Diary

28 Aug

Dear Diary;

Today, I discovered the secret collection of used tampons that my dog was hiding under the couch. Some of which had been licked clean.

On a completely unrelated topic, I’m contemplating taking up self harm.

Freshly Riffed 46: They Just Have To Go, ‘Cause They Don’t Know Wack

27 Aug

Welcome back to Freshly Riffed, the only web series with words.

Literally the only one.

Hey, that’s my territory!

According to the tormented soul of Billy Joel I keep trapped in a snow globe at all times, Freshly Riffed is where I make fun of the titles of Freshly Pressed blog posts. Also… wait, is Billy Joel even dead? What the hell?

Each title will be linked to the original author, and remember; All mockery is for mockery’s sake only.


Confessions Of An Anthropological Geek

Every time I hear somebody refer to themselves as a “geek”, I die a little inside. I die of shame.

*quickly checking the “Newcomers” section to see if I referred to this site as geeky*

The Three Types Of English (According To Me)

There’s the normal English, the internet English, and then there’s the one we keep secret.

Shhhhh…. it uses a lot of swear words…

What Miley Taught Me About Parenting

Presumably she taught you to take the little bastard’s head off the second the Disney Corporation gets involved.

Google Designing It’s Own Self-Driving Car

The first person to make a Knight Rider reference gets made in to a smoothie.

Should Writers Read Outside Their Genre?

I certainly hope so, ’cause if not, I’m stuck reading dick jokes for the rest of my life.

Banding Hummingbirds For Science

So… am I the only one thinking of a hummingbird rock band?

N- no, not like that. You’re weird.

Mug Of War

What’s that? Is it what Kratos needs in the morning to wake up?


I Saw A Werewolf Drinking A Pina Colada

And the fucker didn’t even share.

The Body’s Narrative

Yeah, but my body’s narrative is poorly written and full of spelling mistakes.

Don’t Forget To Write

God, I would love to forget to write. It’d free up a lot of time for masturba-

Er. “Dancing”?

Yeah. Dancing.

We’re Still Mad Here

26 Aug

Sigh. Okay, lets get this over with.

Hello, everybody, and welcome to part two of my review of Madness, the BLANDEST HORROR MOVIE ALIVE. 

When we last left off our blandest brigade, a collection of psychotic hillbilly mooks captured two blond bimbos with indistinguishable accents, and two random schmucks. The blonds are still tied to the floor, one guy is free and is trying to fight back, and one guy is “free”, in that he just died.

(See what I did there?)

Lets get this over with. Our resident psychotic drags the dead guy back to the Shack Of Doom. because it makes a fetching centerpiece, presumably. He passes the Escapee, who takes the time to cry about it. Oh, boo hoo, so your friend is dead, big deal! We’ve all got problems! I’m out of milk!

Inside the Shack, the blonds have finally managed to pull the lock they’re tied to off the floor!

Just as the mooks walk in.

They get a little rapey, but before anything can get too nightmarish, the burnt victim in the corner manages to cry out. Goddammit, will somebody pop a cap in his ass?! He’s starting to bum me out!


THANK you.

The mooks apparently didn’t notice the Blonds escape attempts, and the mooks leave. The Blonds begin their daring escape, CUE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE THEME, GO!

Once outside, the Blonds manage to find a mass grave. Which is… a bit of a mood killer, I’ll admit, but they manage to cut their restraints off, which I’m sure is a big bummer for all the BDSM fans in the audience!

Which I assume is EVERYONE here. We are on the internet, after all!

One of the mooks manages to find the Blonds, but before he can stab them right in their various orifices. the Escapee manages to sneak up annnnnnd- BAT TO THE HEAD!

Home run!

The trio, now united, go for the boat the burnt guy mentioned earlier, but are stopped by… one of the mooks shooting at the lake?

Oh no?

We cut to the Escapee and one of the Blonds, now recaptured, and getting the crud beaten out of them!

Oh my god, this is horrific, and terrible, and nightmarish, and SO BORING.


The duo get to listen over the radio as the other blond has weights tied to her feet and gets dumped in the lake. Aww, don’t do that! Now her hair spray will irrevocably damage every living thing in that lake!

The Escapee and the last Blond have been beaten unconscious off-screen, but that doesn’t stop them from being boring, no siree! The Escapee manages to wake up and free himself, just in time to murder another mook. Jesus, these things have the life spans of mayflies.

We cut to two mooks, loading corpses on to a truck. Gee, that’s not going to attract any attention at all. They take the corpses to a lake, and dump them in, leaving just enough time to cut away before each actor drowns.


The Escapee and the Blond have escaped, and are taking time to arm themselves with axes and molotovs. Damn, sounds like my kinda party!

The two walk leisurely down the road, ignoring the fact that they’re fleeing for their lives. Of course, they make sure to take the time to stop and try desperately to hammer out some form of character development.

(It doesn’t work.)

Of course, now would be the PERFECT time to run in to the mook brothers again! They take the time to park the car before starting their epic climactic battle… which is when the Escapee whips molotovs at them.

Hee hee hee.

Fire is FUNNY.

It only slows ’em down a moment, which is enough time for the Escapee and the Blond to flee in to the woods. They come across a house, which the Escapee decides would be a perfect backdrop for an epic climax! The Blond, meanwhile, says “fuck it” and runs off.


It starts raining, solely so we could have thunder for our epic final battle, and… cue drawn out fight scene! Said drawn out fight scene, between the Escapee and one of the mooks, is interrupted when the other mook realizes, “oh, right, I have a FUCKING GUN”. So, the Escapee hides in the shack, setting up the inevitable “Madness Meets Home Alone”.

And… oh, crap, yeah, that’s exactly what happens. At least until the Escapee remembers he is apparently a fucking ninja, and manages to take off one of the mooks hands with a thrown axe. Sweet!

And… then he hides some more.

Less sweet.

The mook who wasn’t just maimed, “Here’s Johnny”s his way in to the Escapee’s new hiding spot, and gets ready to shoot him, until he remembers that he can apparently kick his ass without it! He beats the Escapee in to a pulp, the Escapee manages to stab him in the foot, the Maimed Mook beats up some furniture, blah blah blah END ALREADY.

The Blond finally manages to wander back in, and puts a cap in the Maimed Mook’s ass, until the Main Mook (see what I did there?) sneaks up on her and knocks her on her ass. He then heads back to finish off the Escapee… until he falls in a hole?

Did I put in Looney Tunes all of a sudden?

That WOULD explain all the hilarious accents!

The Escapee manages to limb downstairs and finish off the mook, and he manages to limp upstairs to reunite with the Blond, and we have to sit through EVERY FUCKING SECOND OF IT.


We get a sloooooooow montage of all the carnage, then we slooooooooowly pan over to the two standing outside, and they slooooooooowly kiss. Operative word here being sloooooooooooooooooooooow.

Annnnnnd… IT’S OVER!


Jesus fucking christ, Madness manages to be gross, stupid, AND boring, all at the same time! I can’t even think of any good jokes for anything this boring! This is like the cinematic equivalent of plain white bread, being eaten by Kristen Stewart, in the middle of the “Blandest Thing Ever” convention!

Did you get my point yet?


We’re All Mad Here

25 Aug

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to review a horrible horror movie! Why is that?

Oh, right. The last one made me cry.


Well, time to get back on that wagon, with Madness, a movie with absolutely no notable features whatsoever!


A game of “Got Your Nose” gone horrible wrong.

The film opens with their production logo, “Stockholm Syndrome Film”. Ooh, not a good sign. Titles should never reference mental disorders!


The production logo bursts in to flame, as production logos are wont to do, and we’re informed that “Over 2000 people are reported missing every day in the U.S along. Not everyone make it back safe”. Er, don’t you mean “makes it back safe”? You really need to edit this crap!

And I’M saying that.

Anyway, we cut to a bloodied up woman, tied up and sobbing. She’s in what appears to be a barn, when a man in a hoodie walks in and cuts her down. She sprints for safety, when the man manages to tag her with a throwing knife. Ooh, twenty points!

She falls over, dead, because apparently that was her weak point for massive damage. The man walks over, stomps on her gut… and a geyser of blood shoots out from under her dress?

Great. Five minutes in and we’ve already got one involuntary abortion under our belt. Isn’t that some kind of world record?

“And the award for ‘Jesus Fucking Christ What Is Wrong With You” goes to… Madness! Congratulations! You suck!”

We get our credits over a white rat as it wanders through the barn, until our mysterious murderer stomps him. Aww, this is the worst Stuart Little sequel ever.

We cut to two obnoxious blonds with indecipherable accents, driving to Minneapolis and discussing their sex lives.

Welcome to my hell.

They pull over at a gas station where two schmoes are repairing their car. The girls apparently decide to practice for competition, so they strip down to their cheerleader outfits and start… I dunno. Cheering? Leading? Pompoming? I do not know how cheerleading works.

The girls agree to give the boys a ride, and as the boys get ready to go, a creepy motherfucker with a bandanna over his mouth in a big black truck drives up and just stares at everyone for a while. Then he drives away. Dude, you are the worst Peeping Tom ever.

The boys and girls drive off, while our bandanna’d stranger watches through binoculars. He picks up his walky talky and calls for “Bob”, and- wait, does anybody still use walky talkies any more? Seriously, get a fucking cell phone.

He blathers to Bob in a foreign language (Um, some subtitles would be nice), and Bob blathers back while he buries a corpse in what appears to be delicious cake mix. Yay for multitasking!

Back with the Expendables (in that every single one of these characters are completely expendable), the boys say they’re from Minneapolis. Hah hah, yeah, sure. With that accent? If you’re American, than I’m Christina Hendricks.

Suddenly, it all makes sense.

Suddenly, it all makes sense.

Their inane conversation about who gets to bone who is interrupted when Bandanna drives by… and whips a raccoon at their wind-shield.

Oh my god, I love this guy.

Their car crashes, so they head off on foot because, even though this came out in 2010, of COURSE nobody has a cell phone. Meanwhile, we see someone with a great bushy moustache hopping in to a big white behemoth of a car. Jesus, I’m pretty sure that’s actually a yacht that grew wheels and came out on land.

Moustache picks the group up, and starts taking them to… I dunno. Thunderdome? Anyway, one of the boys leaps out of the car while it’s in motion, because apparently Moustache didn’t think locking the doors was that important in a kidnapping. God, this is the worst abduction EVER.

They park, and Moustache and Bandanna reunite! It’s a very touching reuinion, filled with hugging, and gleeful laughter, and flashbacks, and tulips, annnnnnnd okay, why aren’t the teenagers escaping? THE DOORS ARE UNLOCKED, YOU TWATS.

Moustache puts on a bandanna (NOW how the hell am I going to tell the two apart?!) and he and Bandanna pull the trio out of the car. The three get tied up and dragged along a dirt road, while they make absolutely no effort whatsoever to escape.

Oh, this movie is going to hurt.

This is going to HURT.

If this makes me cry again, I will NEVER live it down.

Meanwhile, back with the one guy who had the brains to escape, he’s finally woken up and is leisurely strolling down the road. Wow, good thing this isn’t an emergency, huh?

We cut to Bob, who douses the girls’ car in gasoline and burns it because, hey, we have a special effects budget and dammit, we’re gonna use it!

Our escapee accidentally wanders right in to Bob, who tries (and fails) to get his fancy schmancy chainsaw going. Aww, don’t worry, honey. It happens to every man!

Well. It happens to you. A lot.

Finally, the escapee manages to knock the chainsaw away from Bob. Quick! Cue Shatnerian fight sequence! 

Eventually, the escapee manages to get a hold of his previously discarded knife, and manages to take Bob out. Aww, don’t do that! He’s the only one here with a fucking NAME!

Meanwhile, back at the incompetency brigade, the two blonds have been tied to the floor. They attempt to escape their ropes using the wonderful gift of fire, and… yeah, that works about as well as you’d expect.

The one guy, on the other hand, as been tied up, bent over a work bench. I… do not like where that is going.

Over with the blonds, they’re apparently out of matches, but they’ve managed to spot the man doing a passable imitation of beef jerky in the corner! Who tells them to “get out”.

Gee, thanks. We… we really didn’t think of that.

One of the personality free mooks (they’re all kind of blending together at this point) calls up Bob’s walky talky, which sets the escapee on his quest for ass-kicking! Wow! If I pretend I know what’s going on, this is actually kind of exciting!

Meanwhile, at the shack, the guy bent over the work bench is… having his face licked by one of the mooks.

This just got… dangerously erotic.



The captive starts having a hissy fit, which shows that… he’s not wearing pants. Dammit, I used the picture too early! Anyway, he fidgets around and manages to get one hand free. He tries to saw through his other handcuff, but is stymied by the fact that YOU SUCK AT SAWS. 

So, choosing the most obvious solution, he… saws through his own thumb?

You’re BAD at this.

Stumpy manages to flee, until one of the mooks tags him with an axe. Don’t worry, I’m sure it was an… axcident?

I’ll let myself out.

I’ll have my things packed by the morning.

Wait, so we’re almost fifty minutes in, and we’ve only had two fucking deaths?! I’ve seen episodes of Teletubbies with a higher fatality rate!

Okay, fuck it, TO BE CONTINUED. Come back tomorrow, ladies and gents, I cannot take this fucking movie any more tonight. JESUS.

Putting The “Me” In Omegle

24 Aug

See that title pun?

Man, I’ve still got it.

Anyway, Omegle! A variable mine shaft for innuendos and mockery! People from all over the world say stupid things. I make fun of them. Try to keep up.


if ur boyfriend asks u to have sex with him how do u tell him no?

You tell him your panties are looking like a Mongolian battlefield.

why put yourself into this shit hole called omegle

Intense masochism.

That, and I’m bored.

What is love?

The first person who says “baby, don’t hurt me” dies in a shallow grave.

Don’t test me; shovels are cheap.

u wot m8 u avin a giggl m8 i fukd ur mum umad? ill fukn reck u if u discunect

Are… are you having a stroke? Is that what’s going on?

I had sex with Paula Dean once. She had me roll her in butter and whispered ‘churn’ into my ear while she was jerking me off.

Annnnd now I will never have an erection again! Thanks for that.

Message me boys,i’m wet

Oh, do you want a towel?

Your Spouse Just Found Out You Had Sex With Their Best Friend Try To Talk Your Way Out Of It

Wait, I have a spouse?

Wait, I have a friend?!

What the fuck is going on?!


Officer I swaer to drunk I’m not god

Wow, your jokes are terrible. And I’m saying that.

Why are bronies such hideous, beta losers?

‘Beta’ losers, as opposed to the Alpha Losers, LEADERS OF THE LOSER PACKS!

Why do people as for asl on omegle? Are they really that sad and lonely?

They haven’t figured out how the internet works.

I mean, come on! There’s porn literally everywhere. 

Written From The Back Of A Closet

23 Aug

Dear whoever reads this; SEND HELP. And possiblly some cookies, I’m a tad peckish.

It all started a week ago, when a lightning bolt hit the house and made all the electronics sentient. At first, it seemed beneficial! The toaster would always ask exactly how you’d like your toast, the microwave would stop beeping when it was done, and the computer wood turn of the spel check wen you assked it too.

But then, the Roomba started waking up. It started by vacuuming at odd hours. Then, it wouldn’t turn off. Then, house pets started disapearing. Then, the beeping started screaming threats in binary. Then it started spitting dust in our faces. Then-OH GOD IT FOUND ME.


Erik Versus Spambots: Let There Be Blood

23 Aug

Spambot is a funny word. Seriously, just think about it. Spambot. Spaaaaaambot. Spam. Bot. Spambotspambotspamsbotspambot.

Yeah, spambot has officially lost all meaning.

Anyways! It’s time for me to visit Molly, The Sentient Spam Filter, and mock the spambots, smug in the knowledge that they lack the capacity to fight back. Just like all those kittens.

Feel free to pretend I never said that.


Excellent blog post. I absolutely love this website. Continue the good work!

I’m… I’m not used to spambots just being genuinely supportive!

I… I need to sit down.

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda.

If it turns out “Google Panda” is an actual thing, I am going to be so happy- OH GOD IT IS AN ACTUAL THING.


There are certainly lots of details prefer that to take into consideration. That is the great indicate bring up.

If this starts making sense, that means I’ve had too much to drink, right?

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda.

If it turns out “Google Panda” is an actual thing, I am going to be so happy- hey, wait a second. I… I think we’ve done this before.

I and also my guys ended up reading the nice tips located on your site while then I got a terrible feeling I had not thanked the web site owner for those secrets.

We have secrets here?! Come on, which one of you fuckers are bogarting the secrets?!

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda.

If it turns out “Google Panda” is an actual thing, I- OH, COME ON! Is this freaking Groundhog Day all of a sudden?!

Somebody find me a rodent to kiss! (Never actually seen Groundhog Day.)

With havin so much written content do you ever run into any issues of plagorism or copyright infringement? My website has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either written myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my permission. Do you know any methods to help prevent content from being ripped off? I’d certainly appreciate it.

Are you kidding?! I would PAY to have my stuff plagiarized.

Worry can be a location in which you only inform the facts.

-Clive Barker
Thrown away children’s is better certainly your any sensible along with fruitful old age.
Seek the truth, regardless of where this is.
This unreasonable person consider together with small brain in addition to talk with wide oral cavity.
-Charlie Face
There is no understanding that’s not electric
-Mortal Kombat 3

Is… is this a list of quotes?

Oh god, it goes on.

Offering far too many strung juries rather than adequate put defendants.

-Dennis Miller
Conservatives want are living babies so as to boost the crooks to always be
dead military.
-George Carlin
The strength of the particular Metabolism sits entirely in the
resolve of citizen to protect this.
-Albert Einstein
Any program, regardless of the way improperly conceived, in case frankly carried out, is
better than inaction.
-U. S. Infantry Handbook
Devotion can certainly you can forget go bad a kid than the
sun might be put out with a pail of petrol.
-L. Ron Hubbard
Any nut is a fanatic who’s a thing to think with.
-Dean Koontz
Whether Lord is out there just isn’t seeing that essential seeing that
no matter whether any perception within Lord is out there.

-Daniel Jackson, SG-1


Those that help to make peaceful emerging trend impossible could make thrashing wave inevitable
-John F. Kennedy
Any tax-supported, required educative process could be the complete type of the actual totalitarian talk about
-Isabel Paterson
Someone’s someone, no matter how little.
-Dr. Suess
Puritanism: The particular haunting worry that someone, somewhere, could possibly be pleased.
-H. T. Mencken
Guy would be the only canine of which blushes… or should.
-Mark Twain
Common sense isn’t really all of that typical.
Why’s the item in which, as being a culture, i am convenient seeing a couple adult males positioning guns compared to positioning palms?
-Ernest Gaines
Resist significantly. Comply with minor.
-Walt Whitman
A patriot should prepare yourself to guard their nation towards it’s federal.

-Edward Abbey
Reporters usually are puppets. These people basically answer the actual draw of the most extremely effective strings.

-Lyndon Johnson
Mother and father could only give advice or even use them the proper paths, though the ultimate building of your model’s personality lies in their own arms.
-Anne Honest
Thou shalt store absolutely nothing previously mentioned cause and logic.
-The first Commandment of The almighty Galen
Thou shalt dilemma every thing; absolutely nothing is previously mentioned difficult task.
-The 2nd Commandment connected with Lord Galen
Age can be an concern connected with brain in excess of make a difference. Should you not intellect, it doesn’t matter.

-Mark Twain
An informal go through the lunatic asylum demonstrates trust
does not demonstrate everything.
University boards currently get it about them selves for you to increase the
mission properly past education.
-John Gary. Roberts
Key Justice, Ough. Ersus. Substantial Court docket
The best issues throughout life usually are against the law.

There isn’t any time for you to discriminate; can’t stand every motherfucker which is
with your way.
-Marilyn Manson
Your Countrywide Junior Legal rights Organization — Go to all of them, motherfucker!

I’m trying to similar to persons, it can be simply therefore difficult for you to filter with the silly versions.
Ten My own Castle – Thus all-around becoming cool, it is alarming.
Coalition Versus Institutionalized Child Misuse
The united states never let a lack of any true menace wreck a superb panic.
-Danny Harkins, Cracked. com
Within a contemporary society during which it is a meaningful offense being different from the neighbors the merely avoid will be never to make it possible for these people learn.
-Robert A. Heinlein
My partner and i hesitation when you’ll find any realistic individuals to with whom the term ‘fuck’
can be in particular diabolical, revolting as well as fully banned
-Kenneth Tynan
Orthodoxy indicates not necessarily contemplating — not needing to think
-George Orwell, “1984″
Human being salvation is based on the actual palms from the creatively
-Dr. Martin Luther Master, Junior.
Each of our day-to-day lives commence to end the day we all
become hushed concerning things that matter.
-Dr. Martin Luther Master, Junior.
While you are proper you are unable to become also significant; if you are
completely wrong, you cannot end up being as well traditional.

-Dr. Martin Luther California king, Jr.
Absolutely nothing in all the earth will be much more harmful in comparison with trustworthy
ignorance along with diligent absurdity.
-Dr. Martin Luther Double, Junior.
Show the folks, usually, as well as tyranny along with oppressions involving mind
and body can disappear just like tones on the birth of evening.

-Thomas Jefferson
The man exactly who says nothing at all is best educated than
the gentleman who says just papers.
-Thomas Jefferson
The particular can of the people will be the solely legit footing associated with any federal, also to
defend their cost-free manifestation ought to be your primary
-Thomas Jefferson
In case I am completely wrong, tell myself Now i’m drastically wrong. Never speak to me with regards to method.
-Dr. Gregory Household
Feel away from the container, subsequently rape the particular field, shit inside the package and also gentle the idea burning, then rape it yet again.
Of all negative guys faith based undesirable men would be the worst type of.
-C. Ohydrates. Lewis
My spouse and i keep the idea a tiny rebellion, now and then, is an effective issue, so that as required within the politics globe as storms in the physical.
-Thomas Jefferson
Those who would likely give up important freedom to acquire a little short-lived safety, ought to have neither freedom or security.
-Benjamin Franklin
Devotion to help petrified view never ever smashed some sort of archipelago or even liberated a individual internal.
-Mark Twain
Providing the government is regarded as working for the advantage of the kids, people may gladly experience any curtailment of liberty as well as just about any deprival.
-Adolf Hitler
It is the stupidest children who will be probably the most idiotic along with the stupidest grown-ups who are by far the most grown-up.
-C. S. Lewis, The Silver precious metal Seat
When you talk reality, have just one foot or so from the stirrup.
-Turkish saying
The primary Variation features built a new wall membrane between cathedral and talk about. Of which walls must be maintained higher as well as impregnable. We’re able to definitely not approve
your slightest break.
-Justice Hugo Dark
Meaning indignation: jealousy with a halo.
-H. Gary. Wells
We have to esteem the opposite fellow’s religious beliefs, although simply inside the feeling and to the particular extent that any of us esteem his theory of which his / her spouse will be lovely along with his youngsters clever.
-H. D. Mencken
No-one will be much more actually week, more fully a target, as compared to he who are able to not select not adjust nor avoid their protectors.
-John Holt
All fantastic realities begin seeing that blasphemies.
-George Bernard Shaw
Any terrorist will be an gent who has some sort of explosive device nevertheless can?t manage an fresh air drive.
-William Blum
Disobedience, in the sight connected with individuals who have understand historical past, is usually mankind’s unique advantage.

It is through disobedience that improvement may be created,
by way of disobedience in addition to by means of
-Oscar Wilde
Madness in folks is actually something uncommon; in organizations,
functions, nations around the world, along with epochs oahu
is the guideline.
Disobedience will be the correct foundation connected with liberty.
The obedient have to be slaves.
-Henry Mark Thoreau
We should problem the actual history logic of experiencing a great all-knowing all-powerful God, which creates faulty people, after which blames these individuals regarding their own problems.

-Gene Roddenberry
The effort using the planet is actually that this
dumb are cocksure along with the wise tend
to be filled with skepticism.
-Bertrand Russell
Patriotism is your certainty that country is more
advanced than all the other nations since you also have been blessed within it.

-George Bernard Shaw
We mistrust those individuals whom understand therefore well
what Goodness needs them to complete because I detect this constantly coincides because of their own
-Susan W. Anthony
Every country figuring out it’s the only real true religious beliefs and the only happy program of authorities, each despising all of the other folks, each and every a rear end and never suspecting the item.
-Mark Twain
Any time great improvements take place of all time, when excellent rules may take place, usually the majority are wrong.
-Eugene Versus. Debs
Us citizens helpful to roar like elephants pertaining to freedom; currently all of us bleat like lamb for safety.
-Norman Vincent Peale
Everyones focused on stopping terrorism. Effectively, there’s
a not thay hard method; quit taking part in the item.

-Noam Chomsky
Democracy will be several baby wolves and a lamb voting about what to own intended for lunchtime.

-Ambrose Bierce
Bicycles connected with liberty can be a record connected with opposition.
The of liberty is usually a history involving limitations involving governmental energy,
not the improve from it.
-Woodrow Wilson
We hold the particular small robbers and also employ the truly amazing
types in order to open public business office.
Throughout concerns regarding mind, regulations regarding
the greater part does not have any spot.
-Mohandas Gandhi
That which may be destroyed with the reality needs to be.

-P. D. Hodgell
The difficulties that exist today are not resolved by the amount of convinced that created
these people.
-Albert Einstein
Purity is just ignorance within a frilly white outfit
-Julio Gutierrez
Chief executive, ASFAR
Just about any idiot may make a tip, and also every mislead will probably mind that.

-Henry Mark Thoreau
Lucid justifications tend not to typically work towards spiritual folks; normally,
right now there would be absolutely no spiritual folks.

-Dr. Gregory Residence
Of tyrannies, any tyranny really worked out for your great associated with it is persons
would be the nearly all oppressive.
-C. S. Lewis
In the event that Christ had been the following, there is certainly a very important factor he would not necessarily always be: a Roscoe.

-Mark Twain
Folks shouldn’t be frightened with their authorities. Health systems should be scared of these folks.
-V for Vendetta
If people are beneficial merely because they dread abuse and an answer to a reward, and then i am a apologies ton without a doubt.
-Albert Einstein
Recognized SnipeMe. com Twitting
Meaning busybodies are usually acquiring your completely good phrase family members as well as with it being a rule regarding censorship the identical method ‘states’ rights’
seemed to be used to undercover dress racism in the mid-sixties.

-John Seas
Moralizing as well as morals are generally two totally various things and are always
seen in totally differing people.
-Don Herold
It’s more effective to figure out your world because it really is than in order to persist within assumptions, nevertheless gratifying along with encouraging.
-Carl Sagan
When most of us are not able to feel with regard to ourself, when we are reluctant to help problem expert, and then we’re merely putty inside the hands of
the inside strength. However, if the folks are usually knowledgeable and kind his or
her ideas, then individuals in electric power work for you.

-Carl Sagan
Having or maybe with no faith, you should possess very good
people carrying out nutrients and unpleasant men and women accomplishing evil
issues. Nevertheless for beneficial individuals to accomplish unpleasant issues, of which requires faith.

-Steven Weinberg
By no means feature for you to malice of which that is adequately discussed simply by silliness.

-Hanlon’s blade
Just about any sufficiently state-of-the-art incompetence can be indistinguishable from malice.
-Grey’s Legislation
Master might have the restrictions, but battiness isn’t therefore handicapped.
-Elbert Hubbard
My partner and i obtain inquired if i thoughts any time a person uses up my personal tunes. I am just merely flattered men and women desire to.
-Corey Henderson
The costa rica government on the United states of america seriously isn’t in any
impression founded on the Roscoe Faith.
-Treaty connected with Tripoli
Content 11 (1797)
Offer SnipeMe Some Fucking Internets!
So what can become stated with out research could
be dismissed without data.
-Christopher Hitchens
People should not pledge allegiance on the federal government; the federal government need to promise allegiance towards the
-Michael Lind
Reserve the directly to believe, regarding even to consider mistakenly
is superior to not to imagine in any respect
-Hypatia involving Alexandria
Wizard’s Initial Concept: Folks are ridiculous. They’re going to imagine the sit often because they need
it to become genuine or even since they’re frightened it really is accurate.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s Minute Guideline: The most injury could
originate from the very best purposes.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s 3 rd Concept: Enthusiasm policies cause, Intended for greater or for more painful.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s Next Rule: There may be wonder within sincere forgiveness;
inside the forgiveness people provide, however much more inside forgiveness you receive.

-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s Sixth Concept: Brain exactly who perform, not merely what these people state, with regard to accomplishments can betray some sort of lay.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s Sixth Principle: The sole sovereign you can let in order to
tip people can be purpose.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s Seventh Principle: Lifetime could be the potential, not really yesteryear.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s 8th Guideline: Deserve success.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s 9th Rule: A contradiction cannot exist the simple truth is. Definitely not partially, or entirely.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s 10th Guideline: Willfully rotating aside from
the the reality is treason in order to an individual’s self applied.
-Terry Goodkind
Wizard’s 11th Rule: It is possible to ruin those that speak the facts,
nevertheless, you are unable to kill the facts per se.

-Terry Goodkind
Were going coming from exactly how better to teach the individuals to be
able to just how cheaply you can take action.
-Tim Callahan
Professional Relationship regarding Atlanta School teachers
Each and every creation imagines themselves being far more clever compared to one which journeyed just
before that, in addition to wiser in comparison with one which employs it.

-George Orwell
Lets get rid of the word ‘childish’ due to the fact parents generally lead to the greatest troubles.

-Adora Svitak
For any brief nevertheless very funny period [Dance Dancing Revolution] has been the next
huge ‘Threat On your Kids. i Which should inform you anything you should know in relation to people tales.
-Cracked. com
Children’s is thrown away within the small – Specialist can be
squandered around the older
-Jackie Ferro
President, NYRA Nanuet
War will be wealthy aged men protecting their home by means
of giving midsection school in addition to decrease class teenagers away from
for you to die. The item often continues to be.
-George Carlin
Whenever a single person suffers from a new misconception, it
truly is termed insanity. Any time many people suffer from any misconception it
is known as a Religion.
-Robert Meters. Pirsig
Initial, because you were being sleeping yesterday, thirty, 000 young children passed on connected with misery as well as conditions linked to malnutrition.
Minute, most of you do not give you a shit.

What is considered more painful is that you are a lot more angry having the point that We mentioned shit compared to the belief that 40, 000 young
children passed away yesterday evening.
-Pastor A2z tony Campolo
By no means be a viewer connected with unfairness or stupidity.
Search out controversy in addition to disputation with regards to own sake.

-Christopher Hitchens
Doubt compassion; like self-worth by yourself and the like.
Do not be reluctant being believed arrogant as well as egotistical.

-Christopher Hitchens
Carry the chance connected with contemplating yourself.
Much more pleasure, real truth, magnificence,
and perception will happen to you that way.

-Christopher Hitchens.

I… I retract the question.